FAQ / Basics

What is an operation?

An operation is an atomic action performed by our engine. Operations are used to track usage levels across time and across products.

Each API call that consumes operations will return a specific field to let you know how many operations were used.

Sightengine's dashboard lets you to track your usage levels, including the operations consumed..


For Image Moderation, an operation is equivalent to 1 model applied to 1 image. As an example, running 10 images through Nudity Detection will count as 10 operations. Running 1 image through 2 models will count as 2 operations.

GIF images

For GIF Moderation, an operation is equivalent to 1 model applied to 1 frame.


For Video Moderation, an operation is equivalent to 1 model applied to 1 frame. The Video Moderation API defaults at 1 frame analyzed every 2 seconds, but you can change this setting.


For Text Moderation, 1 operation is consumed when you submit a text item containing fewer than 1000 characters. An extra operation is consumed for each extra 1000 characters. So if you do a request with a text that is 1800 characters long, that will count as 2 operations.


For Username Moderation, 1 operation is consumed per username.

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